• IFRSとは
  • 受験するには
  • IFRSを学ぶ
  • IFRSを解く
  • IFRSを活かす
  • 用語集
  • 受験結果
  • FAQ・お問合せ




英国並びにアイルランドでは、公認会計士協会が複数存在しますが、その中でもロンドンに本拠地を置くICAEW(The Institute of Chartered Accounting in England and Wales:イングランド・ウェールズ勅許会計士協会)が、最も規模が大きく且つ認知度の高い団体です。

1880年に設立されたICAEWは、現在130,000人もの会員数を擁し、欧州で最大規模の会計士協会としてその名を知られています。 ICAEWは独自の資格制度を有しており、IFRSの広範な知識と理解力を測ることを目的として、国際会計基準検定(IFRS Certificate)を運営しています。

IFRS Certificate日本語検定を受検される皆さんへ ~ICAEWからのメッセージ~

To Fellow Students

IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) are common accounting standards used, or will be used, by more than 100 countries worldwide. They have been developed by the IASB (International Accounting Standard Board) over the last 30 years and aim to provide a common language for financial reporting to the world’s rapidly integrating capital markets. This has already been accepted by major developed countries.*

It is imperative for anyone who uses the information in financial reporting in Japan to have an adequate understanding to face the challenges posed by IFRS.

IFRS certification provided by ICAEW offers a comprehensive introduction to the principles of IAS and IFRS. The ICAEW’s Certificate in International Financial Reporting Standards is used extensively around the world by corporate clients, other professional bodies, universities and key individuals in major organizations.

It helps to develop the individuals ability to apply International Financial Reporting Standards in various business situations, and to examine the fundamental requirements of IFRS on a standard-by-standard basis for the benefit of preparers, auditors and users of financial statements.

The purpose of carrying out the Japanese examination starting in December 2009 was to enable many Japanese people to acquire knowledge of IFRS by studying for and taking the examination.

* IASB was formed in April 2001 but replaced and adopted all the work of the IASC which was formed in 1973.

To Fellow Students

IFRS Certificate日本語検定を受検される皆さんへ



ICAEWが提供する国際会計基準検定(IFRS certification)は、IAS及びIFRSへの包括的な手引を提供しています。国際会計基準におけるICAEWの認定資格は、企業のクライアント、他の専門職団体、大学、大企業の幹部により世界中で広範に用いられています。



ジャスティン ウエスト

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